Girls Are Mean

I’ve been reflecting on a lot lately, and I’ve noticed something that’s become abundantly clear… girls are mean- really mean. Including myself. When they’re threatened by another girl, they immediately begin nitpicking the other girl in question and commenting on their weight, looks, personality,  life choices, anything. FOR WHAT??

Why was I so insecure with myself and my circumstances at the time that I thought it was appropriate to belittle and demean another woman? I cannot believe that I succumbed  to what I did and said the things that I have to this one woman in particular over the years. Granted most of what I’m referring to was 5 years ago, but still. Words hurt and leave scars as much as physical wounds.

We should be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down. A lot of what I lashed out about was because of my own problems and insecurities, but it was still completely uncalled for and inappropriate.  I’ve learned a lot since the naive, mean girl that I once was but I will always have more to learn.

SO, to the girl that I’m talking about… I’m sorry for more things and in more ways than you even know. A lot of what I was mad at you for, it was actually anger at myself that was taken out on you.

We won’t ever be friends- and honestly I’m okay with that, but we don’t have to be enemies either. I wish you nothing but happiness in life and I hope you enjoy every part of life that’s on offer.


Build love, not hate.


Hey guys!

So I made the decision to start this blog over…well sort of. I’m not totally deleting everything because it’s nice to see where I started and where I want to go with this. However, I’ve decided to delete some of my old posts and see where this takes me.

It’s kind of refreshing in a way-deleting all of the negative, depressing posts that I made years ago was kind of a way for me to have my final closure with everything that was transpiring at that moment in my crazy, but amazing life. This fresh start is going to be exciting, so I hope you’re all ready for me.

I’m not sure what I want this blog to be about exactly. Whether this be about my life, my goals, stories that I can tell about some of the crazy life experiences I’ve had, advice, etc., but I’m sure I’ll figure it out along the way. Hey, it might just be a montage of things. Isn’t that what life is all about? All these different aspects and points throughout your life all coming together to make it one big moment/experience/learning opportunity.

Here we go… and welcome to my new and improved blog/life outlet!